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New Quad Bike Safety Laws in Queensland

New Quad Bike Safety Laws in Queensland

In a significant move to enhance workplace safety, the Queensland government has introduced new laws aimed at protecting workers who operate or ride as passengers on quad bikes. The Work Health and Safety (Quad Bikes) Amendment Regulation 2024 brings about crucial changes, including age restrictions, passenger limitations, and mandatory helmet use for quad bikes used in workplaces. As a leading workers’ compensation law firm in Queensland, ROC Legal is committed to helping clients navigate these new regulations and ensuring that their rights are protected in the event of a quad bike accident.

The need for these new safety measures is evident from the alarming statistics on quad bike accidents in Australia. Between 2011 and 2023, 193 lives were lost in quad bike accidents nationwide, with Queensland accounting for a staggering 55 fatalities (nearly 30%). At least 22 of those Queensland fatalities were work-related, highlighting the significant risks associated with quad bike use in the workplace. The Queensland government’s proactive approach to addressing this issue is commendable, as it incorporates recommendations from a coronial inquest and valuable feedback from a wide range of stakeholders, including industry representatives, farmers, employers, safety search and rescue organisations, and legal, medical, and health and safety experts.

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Under the new legislation, adult-sized quad bikes in workplaces must only be used by individuals 16 years or older, or in accordance with the manufacturer’s age advice. This age restriction aims to prevent children from operating adult-sized quad bikes, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. Additionally, quad bike operators are prohibited from carrying passengers unless the bike is specifically designed for that purpose, and passengers must meet the manufacturer’s age specifications or be at least 16 years old. These measures will help prevent accidents caused by overloaded vehicles and ensure that only appropriately sized and designed quad bikes are used for carrying passengers.

Another critical aspect of the new legislation is the mandatory use of helmets for all quad bike riders in workplaces. Research has shown that one-in-five quad bike incidents result in head injuries, making helmet use a crucial safety measure. The legislation supports the feedback received during consultation, which indicated a preference not to prescribe specific helmet types due to the varied nature of quad bike use across different industries and regions. As a result, riders can choose the most appropriate helmet based on the context in which their quad bike is used, ensuring that they have the flexibility to select helmets that are suitable for their specific working conditions, such as hot climates.

It is important to note that the new legislation applies specifically to quad bike use in workplace settings and does not impact recreational use in private residential settings. Moreover, the changes do not impact the use of side-by-side vehicles (SSVs), which were found to have a lower risk profile than quad bikes during the consultation process. Existing legislation administered by the Department of Transport and Main Roads and the Department of Environment, Science, and Innovation will continue to apply to quad bikes used on roads or road-related areas, state forests or timber reserves, protected areas (other than nature refuges or special wildlife reserves), and recreation areas.

As a workers’ compensation law firm, ROC Legal is well-equipped to assist clients who may be affected by quad bike accidents in the workplace. We are dedicated to staying up-to-date on the implementation of these new safety laws and providing comprehensive legal advice to clients on their rights and entitlements under the amended regulations.

In the event of a workplace quad bike accident, ROC Legal can help clients navigate the complex process of seeking compensation for their injuries and losses.

In cases where a third party may be liable for the quad bike accident, such as a manufacturer or supplier of faulty equipment, ROC Legal can help clients pursue additional compensation through personal injury claims.

As the new quad bike safety laws come into effect in Queensland, ROC Legal remains dedicated to protecting the rights of workers and promoting workplace safety.

If you or someone you know has been involved in a workplace quad bike accident, do not hesitate to contact ROC Legal for a free, no-obligation consultation.

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